Thursday, 8 December 2011

BTT: Mystery or Love Story

This weeks Booking Through Thursday question is:

All things being equal, which would you prefer–a mystery? Or a love story?

My Response:

This is an interesting question for me. I was originally a mystery lover, I enjoyed nothing more than sitting back to read the latest Patricia Cornwell novel. Then I was introduced to Young Adult fiction, and I was hooked.

Young Adult fiction has made love stories more interesting for me, I was always under the impression that for a story to be classed as a love story it had to be like Mills and Boons - big turnoff - but I am pleased to say that I was totally wrong.  I have read so many YA books now, that I can say love stories are the books I enjoy the most.

Thats my response to the question. What's your answer?


  1. Great answer! I read a lot of YA novels too...
    Here’s my Booking Through Thursday post. :)

  2. The Mills and Boon type romances do nothing for me, but I love a good YA romance.

    My BTT post is here if you'd like a look :)

  3. I prefer mysteries, but don't mind if it includes a love story too.

  4. I don't actually enjoy YA romance. Some are fine, but a lot I've read, I've found to be rather immature and shallow. Maybe its just the books I read, but I can't see that kind of love lasting forever and I guess that's why I didn't like it!

    Here's mine anw:)

  5. I'm a huge YA fan but for whatever reason all the romance in those books turns me off.

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  6. I'm a mystery fan, but sometimes it could have a love story in it.


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